Long time no talk. I've missed you! :) A lot has been going on lately and it's been stressing me out. So since this is MY blog, meaning my heart can be set free, I'm going to take this opportunity to vent.
I'm am getting fed up with people lately. I see girls every single day wasting their lives, and obsessing over meaningless objectives. I don't understand it. Why do you want to waste hours and hours infront of the mirror when you could be out in the real world, learning and living? I see girls who are literally covered head to toe in obvious fake tans, coated with foundation and bronzer. What's the point? To cover up who you are? Are you afraid people won't like the real you? Won't want to date the real you? Are you covering up your secrets, fears and insecurities? It is something I'll never understand. I'm not saying I'm perfect. That I don't wake up feeling insecure and alone. Because I do. I do all the time. But I would rather have people love me for who I am, then what I pretend to be. Don't get me wrong; If you wear makeup, I am not judging you, nor am I saying I don't wear makeup. Personally, I love makeup. Experimenting with new eye shadow colours, and trying different eyeliners. I look forward to putting on makeup. I think it's such a great tool. I'm talking about the girls who abuse the privledge of makeup. Changing their skintones to the point where they look like pumpkins. Hello, if you live in Canada, you are NOT supposed to be orange! Hate to break it to you. You look like a cheap barbie. Not a pretty ones young girls aspire to be.. the fake, baby prostitute barbies. Get a clue! Thanks.
Another thing that has been eating at me lately in internet hate. Especially in the disney community. What possible reason could you have for hating somebody YOU HAVE NEVER MET? And even if you have met them once or twice.. that does NOT mean you know them. Sorry sweetheart. You do not know Miley, Selena, Demi, Joe, Nick, Kevin, Ashley, Zac, Vanessa, etc. Again, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you are not their friend. You are not an insider. They don't care about your opinion. Hating them is only making you look stupid, and them more famous. I support all of them. Maybe not equally, I mean you are allowed a favorite band, actress, singer, etc. But I do support all of them. And I wish them the best of luck in all their future endevors. How would you like it if people created an online hate page for you? Would that hurt? Being calling you a slut, bitch, hoe, disgrace, gay? WOULD THAT HURT? Yes it would. So treat others the way you want to be treated and fuck off. Keep your mouths shut and let these kids live their freaking lives.
Now I'm so sorry I've been neglecting this blog, but whoever is reading this.. I love you! And I hope you have an amazing holiday season! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
With all my love,